Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Apparently, this Coupon Ninja can hide VERY well...

Indeed! I've been away from couponing for nearly a month again - I haven't even bought papers/inserts for the past three weeks. I simply have everything we need when it comes to the non-food items, and we've been only buying fresh foods and meats for the most part (though I did cash in on a good deal on 12 packs of Diet Coke at Stracks - $7.77 for four).

I don't know if I want to go back into couponing "hard core" as it were, because I've been able to NOT spend all my money. In fact, after paying bills I have a surplus of around $1k, and I get my next check THIS Friday.

On the flip side, I purchased an Alienware m17x R3 laptop which cost me about $2,013 after taxes XD I nerd raged when I found out I could get a credit line with Dell and now I have a fantastic laptop with which to play World of Warcraft XD I figure, since I no longer have a payment with Best Buy for my iPad, I can just go right into paying off the new laptop on a bi-weekly basis. I'm going to try to pay $250-$300 a month on it (hoping I can schedule automatic payments well into the future like I can with my HSBC credit card!).

Specs and pictures soon to follow! I haven't actually seen and/or played with my new laptop yet - I am currently at work but my husband informed me that it was delivered today! My train is late and I'm just waiting in antici-----pation! to be home to see it.


  1. Dear Ninja,

    It is with the deepest regret that I confide in you of my laziness in couponing lately, despite a lack of funds. Just this past weekend I've made an attempt at restarting it, spending about 2 hours clipping coupons from ages past, only to realize that I'd only acquired one copy of the Sunday newspaper. I will keep you informed, and congrats on the laptop!!! and WELCOME BACK!


    Anonymous/formerly Cici(not sure why I changed the name, LOL)

  2. Great to "see" ya again! I'm not sure that this Coupon Ninja will be playing the Walgreens or CVS games, but I should probably get into the swing of couponing at grocery stores at the very least.

    I'm also hoping to go to some farmers markets! My own outdoor plants are doing OK - finally had a female pumpkin flower, but I'm not sure if I got to it in time to fertilize it with the only other male flower that happened to open on the same day :( Only one of my outdoor tomato plants is doing well (it is a yellow pear tomato plant - never tried those sorts of tomatoes before!).

    My indoor pepper plants are starting to fruit as well! Excited about that :)

  3. Ooh tomatoes! I heard the sungold variety grows well but I have no idea what it looks like lol. I finally started playing the WAG games now that I have money to put the cash up front! And I have a new binder! I'm all sorts of excited =D
