Saturday, May 21, 2011

$5 Walgreens Challenge

I originally saw a post entitled "$5 Walgreens Challenge" from the website Tia's Savings Cents. I thought it was a very neat idea but didn't pay it any attention since, you know, it was when I first started couponing. However, I am now very tempted to pretend to "start over" in couponing and stockpiling and feature a similar challenge on my blog.

Because let's face it, I DON'T need any more bodywash, shampoo, toothpaste, or handsoap for a long while! At least, any that I need to pay for. I'm all down for getting any of the afore-mentioned items if it means completely free (paying only taxes, of course). Plus it would also show how to start couponing, stockpiling and all doing it on a budget.

I guess what got me thinking about this was a comment to a post on a Facebook community called TLC - Please Remove Jamie Kirlew from your episode of Extreme Couponing! Now don't get me wrong - some people on that community naysay everyone who stockpiles for longer than 3 months - but let's face it in this economy and rising prices, I don't think it is a bad thing! I also did NOT see this particular episode (in fact, I've not seen any of the new ones), but I have read loads of information online about how this Jamie chick basically committed lots of coupon fraud. Anyhoo, I saw this:

"Ok...After seeing crazy mustard lady buy 3 lifetimes worth of mustard on the show, it has me wondering...If you only have a $50 budget, when are you buying your meat products? How are you making any sort of meal out of your food budjet if you are not buying much food?"
And also:
"It would be really nice if they would give us a starting point for those newly broke people!"
Granted, both you and I know that TLC created that show for the ratings, and if you've read up on any of the "behind the scenes" info you know that TLC even coached some of the people on the show on what they wanted them to do, or what to say, etc. and of course they wouldn't show you how to start couponing, because where is the fun in teaching (I called it "The Loser Channel" haha).

However, I have been neglecting the "food" side of couponing. I will say one thing though - there are a lot of coupons out there for unhealthy foods (in a word: crap) and I really don't want anything to do with that sort of food. For a long time now me and my husband have wanted to get on the Paleo bandwagon, and also to start working out on a regular basis. So basically our needs should look something like this: veggies, meats, fruits, nuts, fats & oils and stay away from the inside of grocery stores.

So maybe I will try some sort of modified-challenge. $5 or so to spend at Walgreens or CVS like I was a nub couponer and aspiring stockpiler, and a certain amount for grocery store shopping.

Which reminds me, I really need to plug in our freezer chest and get that going so hopefully I can fill it with frozen meats and other goodies from shopping!

1 comment:

  1. Don't know if you've done this already... but if you go to

    and take their quiz and get 100% or something(the study/cheat material is also provided), they send you $1 off coupon in the mail. Organic salad time!
