Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Price-Match FAIL at Walmart

Since it did actually appear that the three closest Walgreens were actually out of the Clean & Clear bodywash, I decided to finally try an ad-match/price-match at Walmart today. Given the fact that everyone and their mom seemed to be able to ad-match there, I thought it would go at the very least, good. I decided to make things as easy as possibly, so before I even approached a register I went to the customer service desk, to inquire the best way for the ad-matching to go. I even had the four bottles of Clean & Clear bodywash with me that I wanted to purchase -- I wasn't getting anything else.

I also had the ad with me, where it states "Buy one Clean & Clear bodywash for $5.99 and get the second one free". The reason I went to customer service was because Walmart actually sells one bottle at $4.97, which is why I went to ask them how best to approach the scenario in the first place.

The lady at customer service flat out denied me. She said "We don't price match on buy one, get one free offers." I told her, yes, the corporate policy states you do IF a price is listed. I even showed her Walmart's corporate policy, and she still refused. She tried to say "We will do the buy one get one 50% off even though we're not supposed to, but we don't do the bogo offers." So yes even though I had the policy with me, I still got denied. So I left and tried to speak to the manager via phone, and I was on wait for about 10 minutes. So, I called the corporate number. The very nice man I talked to said yes indeed Walmart should have price-matched since the ad did state a price. He said he'd be forwarding all the information on to the manager of the store.

So in the end, I got a rain check from Walgreens for four bottles of Clean & Clear for buy one get one free, since I have the one buy one get one free manufacturer coupon left as well as one more free package of Carefree panty liners.. However, if the Walmart manager is understanding and allows me to use it at his store, I may go back and then get the four Pomegranate bodywashes (I did get several of the other two scents from Walgreens in prior transactions).

A quote directly from Walmart's corporate
ad-matching policy:

We gladly match the price in the following types of ads:*
  • Buy one, get one free ads with a specified price
    • Example: Buy one for $2.49, get one free (BOGO)
  • Competitors' ads that feature a specific item for a specified price.
  • Preferred shopping card prices for specific items that are in a printed ad.
  • For fresh produce and meat items when the price is offered in the same unit type (lb. for lb.; each for each)
Another thing that left a bad taste in my mouth about Walmart:

While I was waiting in line at customer service, I overheard a person on an employee's radio say "The people working outside need some water, it is too hot!" to which the employee replied to one of her other co-workers behind the counter: "They only get water if it is 90 degrees outside," and rolled her eyes and didn't reply to the other person on the radio. When I got outside to my car I checked my thermostat -- it was 83 degrees. How lame, and mean, to not care about your co-workers over a 7 degree difference? Now that I think about it, I should have bought some water bottles and brought it out to the people working outside. In a perfect world, yeah?


  1. ... I would have thrown a fit right there, demand they call corporate RIGHT there and then... *cough* might be PMS? LOL.

  2. I guess I wasn't channeling my inner-Frank that day; however I did call when I got out to my car. As I sat there on hold, that is when I noticed how hot it was outside, and felt bad for the outside workers XD
